Barn Chores

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Barn Chores

Like an accountant anticipating April 15th, mid-May marks the joyful the end of barn chores for many ranchers. It is not the to-do list became a got-done list, rather the dreaded daily chores are abandoned in favor of tasks of higher priority. At the beginning of calving season, the barn chore list is nil, but over time, a cow with metritis, or a calf with septic arthritis earns an extended stay. Also, cowboys who did not cull last year’s bad bags, always have a cow or two with banana tits which must be stripped twice daily, before the calf can nurse all four quarters. For ranchers, the springtime workload can get exasperating and here is why I mention this.

Last Sunday was a warm, sunny afternoon in Yellowstone County. I was driving Highway 10 and passed a couple bicyclists peddling into town. The shoulder is narrow, so I steered wide and stared seeing if I recognized the riders, but their identity was concealed by their Fauci face masks. Their blind obedience to the ruling class and the uselessness of trying to convince them otherwise reminded me of the futility of barn chores and this brings me to my point.

Progressive tenets from controlling the climate through taxation to claiming America is inherently racist to cultivating obedience by hyping a pandemic require an ignorant population yielding to the ruling class for the greater good. Patriots battling the perpetually disinformed will find it more exasperating than battling endless barn chores because banana tits eventually go away while stupid is forever. The minute you feel like you have beaten back the frontiers of ignorance stupid pops back to the forefront riding a bicycle. Can you imagine being so disinformed you believe wearing a mask while exercising outdoors is fitting and proper?

God miraculously balanced man’s metabolism with their respiratory and cardiovascular systems to produce a working blood pH of 7.55. Serum acidity below 7.45 or alkalinity above 7.65 is fatal, so it is a precise system. Because cyclists produce lactic acid which lowers their blood pH, their respiratory rate increases to blow off CO2 and raise the blood pH back to a life-sustaining neutrality. However, peddling like Lance Armstrong on steroids while blocking CO2 blow-off with a Fauci mask causes your blood pH to plummet. Fortunately, you will pass out before you die, the crash will strip off your mask and your blood pH will return to normal until stupid strikes again. Leftist’s lies are as endless as barn chores.


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