Benefit of the Doubt

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Benefit of the Doubt

A new client brought me two Tupperware containers of cow manure. He recently had bought a couple three-year-old cows to grub his five acres, and both have raging diarrhea. Neither cow had a calf, nor were pregnant and this struck me as odd. Supposedly the cows had been dewormed by the previous owner, but we did a fecal flotation to check for parasites anyway. The first sample had three eggs per gram and the second had none, so this was likely not a simple parasite problem.

Trying to not overwhelm this guy with details, I explained both cows could have Johne’s Disease. Afflicted critters are typically infected within the first 24 hours of life but look healthy all the while shedding the Mycobacteria paratuberculosis bug. At three to five years of age, infected critters start scouring and slowly starve to death. There is no treatment. Blood tests could confirm my hunch, but these cows were to be single-season pasture pruners before slaughter so pursuing diagnostics would be less beneficial than advancing the harvest appointment with the local butcher.

Because these cows likely came with the disease, we could blame the seller. However, the previous owners probably were unaware and sold these cows simply because they were open. We should always give someone the benefit of the doubt for mistakes made from ignorance or accidents but when they purposely and knowingly lie to increase their power, profit, or prestige they should be condemned. Interestingly, deviants are never held accountable to political shenanigans if they identify as progressives and here is proof.

The FOI, e-mail dump shows Dr. Fauci could be criminally negligent for his manipulation of the truth during the pandemic. As director of National Institute of Health, he was indirectly involved in Wuhan’s gain of function research and once the virus escaped the lab, he fanned the smoke screen to obscure its origin. He made misleading statements about masking, double masking, social distancing, effective treatments, and the free, warp-speed vaccine. Worse yet, he has accomplices.

This week, WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, was served legal papers from the Indian Bar Association for spreading disinformation about the efficacy of ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid-19. Apparently, a few dead Indians in a population of 1.4 billion is a risk worth taking for the ruling class to advance the Covid con and this brings me to my point. Both Fauci and Swaminathan know they are figuratively peddling Johne’s infected cows to a disinformed public. The left will quit manipulating the truth the day the unwashed quits believing them. So quit, they are liars!


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