
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Do you know Karen? She has always been around, but the Fauci virus made her a star. The ruling cartel’s propaganda campaign has convinced her she is the smartest person in the room and must share her wisdom to help control the unwashed. Karen will get in your face for exposing yours, plus preach the non-poked should be denied employment, concert tickets, indoor seating in restaurants, admission to college, and healthcare. She is a dandy but let’s leave her senseless rantings to talk about Betsy.

The trophy wife recently attended the NILE PRCA Rodeo with our youngest, his wife, her parents and four of our grandchildren. I was working. Rodeo is one of the last athletic events championing faith, family, and freedom so naturally, the event began with the presentation of colors, our National Anthem, and a prayer. Seated a couple chairs right of the trophy wife was a large, young man devouring a lapful of concession goodies. Druann stood staring at Old Glory being unfurled from the ceiling when Betsy, a lady two rows back, leaned down, tapped the feeding frenzy spectator on the shoulder and ordered, “Stand up and show some respect!” He struggled to his feet without spilling his popcorn or Big Gulp and this brings me to my point.

America is the greatest nation in world history. More goodness and relief of human suffering has occurred because of the generous American spirit than anything else. Those of us who feel this in our bones can no longer sit idle while the evil forces in positions of power destroy all we hold dear. I do not know the identity of the lady who fittingly requested proper respect for our flag and National Anthem, but I would bet it was not Colin Kaepernick’s mom. With gratitude and great respect, I am tagging her with the moniker Betsy—Betsy Ross. It is time for all liberty loving ladies like her to take a stand.

A couple years’ back the University of Wyoming, home of the Cowboys, adopted the adage, “The world needs more cowboys.” As you might expect, leftists went insane claiming the phrase was divisive, misogynist, sexist, and racist—the exact phraseology I hear when I mention the trophy wife. The truth is, the world does need more cowboys, but they also need more Betsy’s. It is time to stand up!


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