Boys to Men

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Boys to Men

Socialism is a euphemism for the handiwork of the evil one and he must be defeated in our communities, schools, and churches. Those of us in fly over country start with a leg up as our children, the future leaders of our country, have skills. They understand the risk-reward equation. President Biden recently claimed children do not belong to parents but to government and if that statement did not send chills up your spine, you are a sissified part of the problem.

At no greater time in history has our nation suffered such a shortage of men. Leftist radicals have been purposefully manipulating our young boys into feminine subjects possessing neither the will nor the ability to resist indoctrination. It used to be liberty, but now it’s tolerance of evil which is championed as the supreme ideal.

Properly rearing youngsters requires a balance between promoting self-discipline, self-restraint, self-determination, and being feral. As I look back, I believe the rearing of most generations of my family drift towards the feral parenting plan. For example: As you might expect, renovating our 90-year-old ranch house in Wyoming sucks our free time. After arriving on Friday evenings, we kick open the door to the pickup and the grandkids scatter. They are on their own and they have learned much without instruction, such as keeping the barrel stove blazing in the main house benefits everyone. Risk and reward can never be separated. We grade their development using a feral plan of education with those freezing to death marked as failing while those who made it to breakfast, as passed. There is no grading on a curve and cleaning erasures gains no extra credit.

Sometime back we showed nine-year-old Henry and eleven-year-old Liam how to run the tractor, backhoe, and bobcat. This began for purely selfish reasons as we needed the barnyard cleared of snow and they thought it was fun. Next year, this will become so much a regular part of their chores it will suck the fun right out of it, but it gets them one step closer to being a man. How old were you when you realized without being told, the driveway needed plowed, and the sidewalk shoveled? That was the day you became a man. The world, especially the cities along the coast, is full of gray-haired boys who have never recognized the sidewalk needs shoveled. They may have grandchildren of their own, or are voting to raise the debt ceiling, but they are forever trapped in the left’s logic-vacuum where they always feel entitled to just a little more of your stuff. It is someone else who must shovel their snow.


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