Call of Duty

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Call of Duty

Do you have what it takes? Few do. Would you strap on a patriot’s boots to execute a surprise attack your commanding officer titled “Victory or Death?” Now consider the same but because your boots rotted off months earlier, you now bind your feet in burlap and rope to dull winter’s sting. Are you still going? Picture putting yourself in this predicament not for love of country but for love of a dream; a country not yet formed. Jefferson had masterfully crafted America’s birth certificate five months earlier but since then our fledgling army suffered defeat after defeat at the hands of the British oppressors. 1776 was a tough time to be an American warrior. Military victory is usually determined by training, supplies, troop strength and tactics but not always. On December 24th, it was the hand of God that drove Washington’s rag tag band of starving patriots to total victory over the well-fed, well-trained, and well-supplied Hessian mercenaries wintering in Trenton. Washington had his victory and the dream called America lived to see another sunrise.

In the 246 years since, thousands upon thousands of Americans have answered the same call of duty as did our nation’s first patriots. Liberty’s enemies have drawn our forces to every corner of the globe for obvious and sometimes not so obvious reasons. From the Christmas Day battle at Trenton, to the D-Day Invasion to President Biden’s cut and run evacuation from Afghanistan, a love of God, family, freedom, and a call to duty has driven ordinary Americans to do extraordinary things.

My son-in-law is a couple years shy of closing out his career in the Navy. Fourteen times he has said goodbye to his wife and four children to board a carrier for a cruise across the pond. These excursions varied from months to nearly a year and as bad as the goodbyes were, the welcome homes were epic. Every time I see the homecoming clip of Marcus’s return and watch his red-headed, two-year-old daughter, Raelee, sprint across the tarmac to hug her daddy, I get a lump in my throat. It’s not only the veteran, but his entire family who sacrifices that we might be free, and this brings me to my point.

For centuries, American veterans have sacrificed to establish and maintain our nation of liberty and limited government. Their effort can be negated in an instant at the ballot box if citizens believe politicians who promote covetousness, victimhood, and hatred of America. I trust when you voted earlier this week you rejected the progressives.


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