Christmas List

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Christmas List

If you Christmas shop year-round searching for fitting and proper gifts, you will find nothing of value in today’s column. If you blow into Shipton’s on Christmas Eve intending to fill 15 stockings in 15 minutes, relax, I have done the heavy lifting for you. Buy these two books for every person on your list and your shopping is done.

First is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” It is a phenomenal reference about everything Covid. For example, the alphabet cartel claims Remdesivir is a safe and effective treatment for SARS-CoV-2, but Kennedy’s book reveals how they manipulated the data to garner emergency use authorization. A favorite of mine is how mRNA researchers erased long-term side effects in vaccinates by vaccinating the placebo group after completing phase one of the trial. Think about it. You have been lied to and this brings me to the next book on my list.

“Turtles All The Way Down” sounds interesting even though it has nothing to do with turtles. Like Kennedy’s book, “Turtles” is data driven so you can use it to base your opinion on science rather than propaganda. It was printed in Israel in 2019 and is the work of two researchers who critically examined human vaccinology beginning in the last century. Its authors wisely chose anonymity so haters could not ignore the message while they were busy killing the messenger. It was translated to English and published in America in 2022.

“Turtles” is a 500-pager, and it begins with epidemiological studies. It is an easy read for those familiar with scientific literature but for others it can be like trudging through eastern Montana gumbo. Here is a hint: Skip to page 369 and read about polio. If you know polio to be an infectious viral disease which attacks the gut prior to causing nerve damage. Plus, you believe the disease was eradicated by the Salk vaccine you will need to read the polio section three or four times to get it straight. Everything you know to be true, just is not so and this brings me to my point.

Vaccines have not been proven to be safe and effective yet those who question their widespread administration are dismissed as science deniers. It is the blind advocate of vaccines who are denying the actual science. Consider this: Disease incidence has naturally decreased over the past five decades, yet chronic disorders have skyrocketed with increased immunization. Is it a cause or coincidence? Something has gone terribly wrong, so study both books and decide for yourself whether vaccines are part of the solution or part of the problem. Remember it is easier to fool someone, than convince them they have been fooled. Merry Christmas.


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