
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


A recent Epoch Times article addressed how girls are reaching puberty at younger ages. In 1840 it was 16.5 years, whereas today it is 12.4 years. Disinformed people blame this on hormones in beef, but this has no factual basis. Yes, growth stimulants are used in feeder cattle, but they are withdrawn far enough prior to slaughter to leave no detectable residue. This ideal of zero tolerance began in 1958, when the FDA was drafting their Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Representative James Delaney insisted on a clause prohibiting the use of any carcinogen at any detectable level in food. Were he to remain true to his ideals, America could sure use him now but for a different foreign substance. Let me explain.

Life is a carcinogen; only dead people don’t get cancer. Fortunately, God equipped each of us with killer T-cells which continually screen for cancerous tissues. Anything which diminishes our killer T-cells could be considered carcinogenic by its action and therefore not allowed in food per the Delaney Clause. Should we not also block such carcinogens in medication? If you are still with me and you are a Band-Aid wearing, jab advocate, you are about to walk into a trap. You might want to put the paper down and let the dog out while the rest of us continue.

Okay, I warned you. There is an injectable medication which damages your killer T-cells and ironically, rather than blocking its use, the FDA recommends it for all people of all ages. Obviously, this is not your daddy’s FDA because these boys play for blood. The injectable medication which destroys your killer T-cells is the Covid stroke poke. Do you know anyone whose cancer was in remission only to aggressively return after receiving the jab? Now you know why. Healthcare is about to get even messier than the trainwreck it has been for the past two years. Those in charge have been so blinded by their FDA issued, rose-colored glasses they could not see what was coming.

Covid mRNA injections use reverse transcription to alter human DNA thereby stimulating human cells to produce the cytotoxic spike protein. This is a fact. We do not know how long these spike proteins circulate but very likely two years of jab mandates have contaminated our entire blood supply and bank of tissue grafts with mRNA and spike protein. Thus, an unsuspecting patient could suffer permanent vaccine injury after receiving a unit of contaminated blood. So much for informed consent. Do not expect the same healthcare providers who brought you the problem to bring the solution. This will take a legislative fix and one is coming…


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