Country Dog at Heart

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Country Dog at Heart

Cow dogs who come through our clinic doors are often terrified by their first experience on a leash. Back home they are free to wander in and out of the corral and can even take a short run at the chickens or the barn cat should they be so motivated. However, at the clinic, easy-clean slick floors coupled with a tight neck noose has them perched on their toenails. Owners of country dogs should acclimate their critters to being leashed in strange surroundings because our rules are in place for a reason. There will likely come a time when your heeler or Aussie need intensive medical care and therapy is more successful when patients are relaxed. Unlike Covid-19 rules instituted to control the unwashed, our leash rules are based on science and years of experience and this quickly brings me to my point.

This entire Sars-CoV-2 pandemic is a fraud, not the pathogen or the disease, but the hysteria purposely hyped on its behalf. Last spring, we knew so little about Covid-19 it was prudent to be careful and I composed many columns expressing cautious concern. However, one year of data shows we have been conned. In a recent Blaze story, a young lady lamented her husband of five years so fears Covid he masks 24-7, even during intimate encounters. He sounds like a real trophy. Like a bull shooting blanks, this problem will eliminate itself, but it often takes generations to drain stupid from the gene pool.

Masks, scientifically proven to do more harm than good, remain the battle flag of leftists mostly because they are so visible. The elite can look at a crowd and instantly separate those who will submit from patriots who will not. To the contrary, knowing who has rolled up their sleeve for the government shot or passed a recent Covid-19 test remains ambiguous until shot and test passports become mandatory. Requiring such travel papers is too reminiscent of Nazi Germany to be done legislatively so it will be enacted by executive order or by woke businesses appealing to statists. If you want to fly to Disneyland, produce your papers.

It is hard for rational people to believe the ruling elite and mainstream media will lie to oppress them, but they will and will do so enthusiastically. Patriots should resist senseless ruling class decrees like a country dog fighting a tight leash if they wish to remain free.


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