Decision Time

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Decision Time

Nearly two decades back, my two youngest were crewing a cattle drive and the fourth night, everyone was relaxing around the campfire. It was a C.M. Russell scene until two stock dogs mixed up a batch of pups in the flickering light around the fire. Guests had been trailing cattle with these dogs and so admired their abilities they began enthusiastically placing dibs on the prospective pups. The guests finished the week and flew home leaving their dreams of owning a cow dog gestating in Wyoming.

Four months later, each of my three children claimed a pup. Chelsie was college bound, so dragged her pup, Dammie, to Old Dominion in Virginia, followed by law school at the University of Montana. Chelsie then married a Navy man, so Dammie was deployed to the Navy Fighter Weapon School in Fallon Nevada followed by a stint with the Blue Angels in Pensacola, and finally the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station. Dammie was a city dog yet on the rare occasion when she was at the ranch, she worked cattle like a pro. She was so keyed-in to Chelsie voice, she would gather cattle and drop to the ground, perk her ears and stare at her master while trying to understand what to do next. Dammie was special and she and Chelsie were close.

Today, Dammie is 16 and has difficulty navigating stairs due to vertebrae fused from her many miles. Diabetes should confine her to the garage, but she insists on sleeping beside her master’s bed. Thus, Chelsie rolls out several times during the night to carry Dammie downstairs and outside so she can piddle. Chelsie called me and asked the dreaded question, “Dad, how will I know when it is time?” There is no right answer. Chelsie painfully scheduled Dammie’s final appointment for the end of March and this brings me to my point.

I love my country just as Chelsie loves Dammie and it pains me greatly to see either destroyed. Dammie’s situation is an unavoidable act of compassion, but the euthanasia of America is motivated by pure hate. Progressives despise everything about our republic and intend to put her down to institute communism and forever empower the ruling class. President Biden likely does not hate this country because his years of selling influence has made his family rich. However, his handlers do despise our nation, and he is too incapacitated to understand or resist. Initially, I feared America would not survive four years of a Biden administration but now I doubt she will last longer than six months. How can you Biden supporters not see this?


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