Doing It Right

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Doing It Right

Fertility testing bulls involves a physical examination of a bull’s boy parts followed by a microscopic evaluation of a semen sample. The sample is collected using an electro-stimulating, rectal probe, and the bull strains against the squeeze chute with each pulsation. Doing this requires me to be down on my knees underneath an agitated, one-ton mass of muscle so I am very vulnerable. Were a popping rusted bolt to allow the side of the chute to blow apart I would be killed, but unfortunately, not instantly. I heard once, “It is not dying I fear but the pain of getting dead.” I suspect an exploding mass of rusted, welded and rewelded pipe crumpling my hat into my Carhart will be temporarily uncomfortable. Old veterinarians get cranky because we tire of working in conditions where there is reasonable risk of someone getting hurt or something getting busted. Some doctors tweak the fertility test to make it safer and simpler, but then it becomes less trustworthy and here is why I mention this.

When constituents asked me to describe the experience of serving in the Montana legislature I said, “It is like fertility testing bulls. The working conditions suck and by day’s end someone gets hurt or something gets busted, so you better have someone willing to do it right.” “Doing it right” is key and this brings me to my point.

Each elected official pledges an oath to the Constitution, yet most ignore it. Should you adhere to your oath, every decision facing legislators becomes whether the proposal is constitutional. If it is, question two is whether the legislation is a defined, necessary, and proper function of government or is it a responsibility best left to the individual. There is no third question. It is really that simple and this brings me to the ideological Grand Canyon dividing Democrats and Republicans.

Democrats call themselves progressives, which is a euphemism for collectivists, which is a euphemism for Marxists, and they hate America, and everything American. A controlling and massive government is their true and living god and they will smote anyone who says otherwise. They are evil and fearless.

To the contrary, all Republicans endorse liberty and limited government while campaigning but once elected, far too many become great capitulators. For example, Senators Romney, Snow, and Murkowski are horrific compromisers, whereas Montana’s Congressman Matt Rosendale is a solid constitutional conservative. Polling data suggests the November midterms could produce a red tsunami but never underestimate a Republicans ability to do absolutely nothing once elected. Since all Democrats are evil and most GOPers are cowards, voters best choose the few Republicans willing to do it right.


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