Dropping Dead

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Dropping Dead

While building the horse herd for my cattle drive business, I bought a big, black, five-year-old, Quarter Horse gelding from Canada. We tagged him Dudley after the famous Canadian Mountie, and he was a nice one. He quickly made the guest string and because of his size he earned the honor of packing the largest cowboys on our client list. He never complained. About the time he reached middle age, I sold the cattle drive business and cavy, to my brother, Dana. I kept Dudley in my personal string but leased him back to Dana during the summer. Dudley should have been my faithful steed on dozens of elk hunting outings, but such was not the case. When Dudley reached his prime, I entered politics, thus dropping my time in the saddle to near zero. Eight years of public service should have left plenty of seasons for elk hunting on Dudley, but such was not the case.

In preparing for an early June circle, nephew Taylor loaded eight horses into the trailer and headed to the Red Butte Pasture. Dudley was one of the eight. Once Taylor pulled into the pasture, he discovered Dudley was as dead as a stroked-out, European, soccer player. Murphy’s law states if you have a problem with one of eight horses tied in a trailer it will be horse number four. Dudley was number four. Taylor was dumbfounded as to the cause of death and I was days away, so we did not do a necropsy. Using the logic of today’s pro-poker crowd, we speculate 15-year-old Dudley just died for no apparent reason and this brings me to my point.

Healthy athletes in the prime of their life who are Covid jabbed are unexpectedly dropping dead and no one knows why because no one is looking. How many friends have you lost? Doctors who suggest excess deaths could be caused by micro-clots from vaccine-induced circulating spike proteins are shunned for speaking contrary to state approved thought. Dissent is not allowed in the Great Reset, so the truth is being murmured. Previously healthy people who are now dead are dismissed as having suffered Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, SADS, as if giving victims a catchy acronym will lessen the tragic impact. Thankfully, the unwashed are beginning to resist the lies put out by big pharma and their government advocates. If there is a red wave this November this government endorsed mass murder scheme will earn a well-deserved congressional investigation. Vote Republican or continue burying buddies who believed the “safe and effective” lie.


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