Endless Wars

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Endless Wars

Like cowboys from Washington to Texas, I battled the artic weather while feeding last weekend. It took a battery charger, a propane heater, and a jump start to fire up my old Bobcat. My seven horses had slicked up last week’s grass hay even though it is not particularly palatable. Apparently, their taste buds are less discerning when it is below zero. This time I unrolled a nice bale of leafy, green, second-cutting alfalfa and my ponies attacked it like a five-year-old rifling through a bucket of Halloween candy. The two most senior members of my cavy, a 32-year-old mule and a 28-year-old mare, are sporting a thick haircoat but have limited fat cover. They will need help to see green grass. To the contrary, my young horses seem impervious to 24 below zero as their backs are blanketed by a layer of snow and ice compliments of their insulating body fat. My ponies came running upon hearing the Bobcat and appreciate workers who drill, refine, and deliver reliable energy to those caring for critters. Skid-steers simply do not start at 20 below in a land of snow-covered solar panels and frozen wind turbines. This cold front will break eventually, and this brings me to my point.

How will we know when Climate Czar John Kerry has won the war on climate change? Answer: We will not as the war is not designed to end and the left’s oppressive regulations are forever. In the ‘70s, leftists warned of an impending ice age, followed by the global warming hysteria of the ‘90s, and lastly, today’s crisis called climate change. Do you not find it intriguing socialism was the solution for all three? Here is the news from the frontlines of the left’s endless war on capitalism:

For his first salvo, President Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline to collapse American energy production and create dependency of roughnecks, miners, truckers, and pipefitters on unemployment benefits. In addition to the workers, this senseless shutdown created financial devastation to service providers along the entire pipeline.

Salvo two: Showing he can “mess with Texas” just like he did Corn Pop, President Biden’s Department of Energy issued Energy Emergency Order 202-21-1, demanding Texas adhere to green energy standards regardless forecasts predicting the storm of the century. Apparently “being prepared” only applies to Boy Scouts. Millions of Texans and their livestock needlessly suffered brownouts, hypothermia, and frozen pipes all while Washington’s Green New Dealers were living the dream. Patriots who believe this endless war can be won through compromise are disinformed because there is no verifiable proof human CO2 emissions change the climate—period.


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