Fear Not

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Fear Not

Last week, I mentioned how my road trip to Texas reminded me why America, the land of opportunity, is great. God has blessed our republic with open spaces, fertile soil, green grass, coal, oil, and natural gas and we benefit when we put those resources to good use. My return trip was not so inspiring because rather than seeing freedom at work, I was forced to yield to the decrees of others. The trophy wife and I hopped a commercial flight back to Billings and because those who own the ball get to set the rules, if I wanted to fly home I had to comply. If mask-Nazis will toss a yogurt eating, two-year-old and her family from an airplane as Spirit Airlines recently did, they could certainly convert a cranky veterinarian from a passenger into a pedestrian. I behaved temporarily.

If you blindly accept directives from the ruling class, you likely believe mask wearing, being immunized and social distancing decreases the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2. It does not. States and countries remaining open for business suffered no greater rate of infection or mortality than those who embraced the strictest lockdowns. Paradoxically, mask mandates do empower the weakest amongst us, the woke devotees, to scream in your exposed face for placing others at risk. After watching social media clips of millennials losing their poop upon spotting unmasked Americans, I understand why folks hoarded toilet paper during a respiratory pandemic.

The novel China virus behaved exactly as every new respiratory virus introduced into a naïve population. Many people carried immunity to similar corona features so exhibited few clinical signs, while those burdened with significant comorbidities often succumbed to their body’s cytokine storm. Initially, I was cautious, but my medical training coupled with my political experience told me the pandemic was not the threat being broadcast on the evening news and here is proof. A recent UK study showed 55 percent of 33,000 citizens tested harbored SARS-CoV-2 antibodies so have been exposed and recovered while in strict lockdown and this brings me to my point.

God designed humans with intricate immunological features which confronts and clears thousands of microscopic assaults every day. It is possible for pathogens to overwhelm the host plus eventually the system decays but in the case of these 33,000 Britons, the system functioned exactly as it was designed. Contrary to the hysteria promoted from Dr. Fauci and the ruling class my bet is on God. Our lives will return to normal when we refuse to believe those trying to scare us.


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