
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Decades back we learned the secret to trailing cows and calves up the Little Horn Canyon was to divide the herd of 300 into ten smaller herds of 29. Yes, I know the math shorts us 10 critters, but we rarely made it to the top without losing a pair or two, a foot-rot bull and a couple crazy yearlings somewhere in the timber. Were I a progressive I would hide this truth, but I am not so I won’t.

Prior to learning the trick, we would gather the cattle at daybreak and crowd the entire herd into the brush at the mouth of the canyon. The mongrel cow dogs scattering calves in the drags were no more helpful than the mongrel cowboys hollering at them. With the herd gridlocked in the timber, the cowboys galloped back and forth across the rocky bottom looking flashy but accomplishing nothing. Many of the older lead cows dog trotted up the trail leaving their little ones bawling and balling in the drags and this made things worse. Eventually, a calf or twenty would escape through the undergrowth and sprint back down the canyon to where they last nursed their mommas. Once the herd stampedes back, it is time to surrender until the next day and this brings me to my point.

Gridlock is bad when trailing cattle, but it is ideal in politics. A late September Axios-Ipsos poll of 1,008 adults revealed 64 percent of Democrats and 51 percent of Republicans fear gridlock if one party controls one or both chambers of Congress while the opposing party controls the presidency. What a bunch of morons. Democrats disproportionately fear gridlock because government is their goodie god. Leftists derive their power from redistributing the bounty produced by others to those too lazy, ignorant, or fearful to earn it themselves. With 51 percent of surveyed Republicans fearing the same it is no wonder America finds herself in such a mess.

The framers of the idea called America purposely built gridlock into our system to slow the speed at which the ruling class could crush the disinformed. This separation of powers between the three branches makes ours the most exceptional system of governance ever designed. However, for far too long moderate, cocktail caucus Republicans have sat on their backsides and let America’s enemies convince the unwashed we are a democracy. We are not. Vote Republican, but more importantly, vote Republicans who understand why we are a constitutional republic and not a democracy.


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