Imagine That

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Imagine That

The adolescent mind explodes with imagination. Conor, my six-year-old grandson and his contemporaries team rope during recess at Slack School. Rather than the typical roping scene of horses, lariats and buckle bunnies they are on a school playground standing high in the stirrups of a yellow, plastic pony while roping a blue plastic seal. For a left-hander using his right hand to throw a right-handed rope, Conor throws a pretty decent loop. I am not sure how the event is timed, but every recess has a winner. In their minds, this is the NFR and this brings me to my point.

For reasons I will never understand, Democrats demand adults of sound mind must pretend blue plastic seals are real because believing otherwise is discriminatory. Their logic is seriously flawed as Conor and all his buddies know blue seals are not real, but this does not mean they cannot serve as a roping dummy. The problem occurs when adults purposely corral young minds in the imaginary vortex, an evil manipulation wholly endorsed by progressives.

Yep, I did it, I rambled into the subject of transgenderism. When people believe they are something they clearly are not, they have a mental disorder and to play along with their fantasy is not affirming, it is damaging. This is timely and frightening because of a decision recently handed down by the Canadian Parliament. Our neighbors to the north embrace euthanasia as the ultimate solution to society s ills, so I was not surprised to see them extend green needle services to those suffering from mental illness. The problem for those who cheer the bump and dump philosophy is they never think past square one who decides who lives and who dies.

Imagine being on your death bed. You are scared and alone but thanks to socialized medicine you have a relative at your side to fluff your pillow and steer you towards your final decision. Unfortunately, it is your Uncle Sam. Your timely demise will free up government dollars so the pretty little prince Trudeau can fund more important things such as electric cars, solar farms, fake meat and Covid jabs. Imagine that. Whether you live in Canada or the USA, never, ever give government the power to decide who lives and who dies. Rulers who affirm your delusion today will declare you mentally ill tomorrow once you can no longer advance their Marxist agenda. It does not take much creativity to imagine that.


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