
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


When you squash six cousins in close quarters for extended periods of time, tempers can flare. Tuesday about noon, I saw the horses snorting and blowing in the front pasture while staring at the six cousins who were frolicking in the round pen. Henry, the smallest of my progeny, appeared to be whipping Will, the largest of the clan. Will responded by body slamming Henry into the sand. Henry bounced to his feet and delivered several more leather strikes before Will launched him across the pen again. As Henry charged a third time, I stepped from the garage and hollered, “That’s enough, get back here!”

I ordered everyone to the dining room table and told them to sit until I got some details. The trick to interrogating grandkids is knowing how much pressure to apply and to whom. Some crack at a stern look, while others relish nose-to-nose, drill-sergeant scrutiny. I started with Wes, not because he is of superior character, but because I hadn’t seen him mixed up in any of this so he could be impartial. “Conor started it all by whipping the fence,” he offered. This would be reasonable for five-year-old Conor plus it explained the panicked reaction of the horses. As I continued around the table everyone agreed Henry had intentionally walloped Will with the buggy whip and as the pressure mounted, Henry confessed. With that clarification, I began my redneck sermon on the mount.

I figured my points were striking home because there was this one pair of blue eyes at the end of the table which were riveted on me. He sat motionless but his eyes followed my every movement. I was encouraged until I realized the blue eyes were Blinker’s, my Australian Shepherd. Most of my words were gibberish to him, but if I dropped a familiar “okay,” or “go” he would have shot from the room. This must be what it is like for fawning media hacks listening to a babbling President Biden and this brings me to my point.

America is self-destructing because the media serves as the cheerleader for the left-wing agenda. Anything which spends money, increases federal power, or expands dependency on government is worthy of the highest praise to these minions of Marxism. Were it not for media neglect, the DOJ, IRS, FDA, CDC, BLM, plus every other government agency would not have the power they currently wield to crush the little people.


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