Liars Leading the Gullible

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Liars Leading the Gullible

In her response to the State of the Union Address, Governor Sarah Sanders summarized politics as not being a battle between right and left but as one between normal and crazy. She is right. The former political left has morphed from socialist radicals to satanic worshipers where child sacrifice of the preborn, the chemical castration of little boys and the hormonal manipulation of little girls is championed. These folks are psychotic and as President Biden boasted about each bullet point of crazy, everyone cheered.

Proving the nanny-state is alive and well, President Biden promised to lower exorbitant bank overdraft fees. If we are going to address the high cost of spending money we do not have, Mr. Biden needs to study the man in the mirror. His reckless spending has burdened Americans far greater than the fees banks levy on customers who are bad at math. The audience cheered.

President Biden proved he can muck up the free market faster than naked feral farm kids can muddy the waters of the US. He praised the developers of insulin for gifting their discovery to humanity rather than protecting their research with a drug patent. Then our president proposed capping the price of insulin at a level deemed fair by the ruling class. This is significant to me because by God’s design, the hormone insulin is molecularly the same for all species. One year ago, insulin was suddenly in short supply, and we scrambled to meet the needs of our diabetic patients. Having high-priced insulin is uncomfortable, but having no insulin is deadly. To sell insulin below the cost of production as President Biden offers, means someone, somewhere must bear the cost or supplies will become depleted faster than the strategic petroleum reserve. Again, the gullible cheered.

Next, President Biden falsely accused Republicans of wanting to sunset Social Security and Medicare. This brought boos from the normal caucus and cheers from the crazy caucus. The truth is both these programs began their slow, steady march to insolvency the day they were launched because they are a pyramid scheme and such schemes always consume themselves. Had Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried had the false bounty of the government printing press, today their Ponzi schemes would still be screwing investors while stuffing their wallets. Everyone cheered.

Suggesting our border is secure, President Biden boasted how we have the greatest number of personnel on the border than ever. As most Border Patrol Agents now staff Welcome to America souvenir booths and baby formula kiosks, the invasion continues unchecked. Again, everyone cheered, and this brings me to my point. The liars are leading the gullible and America into the abyss and patriots must stop them.


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