Lies and Liars

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Lies and Liars

By coincidence, Gerald and Jim stopped by my veterinary clinic a couple decades back. Both were famous cattle traders in the boots and manure arena, and they were bantering about cancer-eyes, canners and culls. Suddenly, Jim announced, “this is the honest to God truth,” before making his point.

Gerald ignored Jim before blurting, “No, this is the honest to God truth,” and then he offered his opinion. Apparently, among cattle traders, using “honest to God” like a comma enhances credibility to the statement which follows. Current events have convinced me the “honest to God” phraseology is widespread in professions outside cow traders if the disclaimer is modified to fit said lines of work. Here are some examples:

Even though time has proven the jab to be dangerous plus make you more susceptible to Covid, medical professionals still bill it as “safe and effective.” In early August, the American College of Cardiology endorsed this fall’s new, trendy boosters as a necessary price to pay—a telling choice of words for a profession profiting from myocarditis. Poke promoters come in two flavors, prostitutes and fools. The first because they will say and do anything for money and the second because they reject reality. The “above all, do no harm” crowd recognized the Covid truth early on and many have left establishment medicine to partake in a new healthcare system which has the patient’s welfare at heart. Imagine that. Meanwhile, the stubborn medical professionals of the old system have dropped below horse traders, gang bangers, and child sex traffickers on society’s most despised list. Now to the news.

The favorite mantra of the Marxists in mainstream media used to be, “trust the science.” It was the go-to term to mandate masks and jabs plus advance climate change theology. However, now it has been replaced by the disclaimer there is “no direct evidence,” a phrase news anchors use to dismiss the link between President Biden and his family bribery scheme. This brings me to my point.

People express disgust at corrupt doctors, untrustworthy politicians and media manipulators, but an effective lie requires a gullible audience. Political poppycock and propaganda would be short-lived if everyone recognized it, but humans tend to buy a lie if it parallels what they previously held to be true. If you were a quadruple stroke poker like the First Lady, you will likely believe a fifth booster would be just what the doctor ordered to prevent your third bout of Covid. Good luck arguing with those who believe big pharma always tells the “honest to God truth,” and that their gene therapy jab is “safe and effective” because you must “trust the science” that there is no “direct evidence linking” the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome to the stroke poke.


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