Light Fuse and Get Away

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Light Fuse and Get Away

When you are ten, lighting fireworks is all-day entertainment, but after six plus decades, my attraction to small explosions has lost its luster. This Fourth of July proved it. Chelsie, my middle daughter, was trailing cows up the Little Horn Canyon, so we were watching her three dogs. This was a problem. Muck, her border collie, does not do fireworks, so we started her on drugs a couple evenings before Independence Day. The tranquilizers made her wobbly, but she still sprinted from door to door in a panic. Just before sundown, folks around Laurel began torching off their pyrotechnics. The Laurel Volunteer Fire Department’s annual display began at dark and appeared to continue well after midnight. Muck was a mess until the wee hours of the fifth and for a minute I regretted donating to the fireworks fund.

Celebrating our independence by patriotically detonating fireworks made in China is mostly a Republican thing. The Democrats hate America, so their Fourth of July is a day of commiseration reserved for hand wringing and self-loathing while sitting in their lawn chairs drinking the Bud Light they bought at Target. They take misery to epic levels. On the bright side, Muck would be more relaxed in Democrat towns on the Fourth and this brings me to my point.

Whether you were celebrating or loathing America’s birthday you might have missed a Fourth of July preliminary injunction handed down by District Court Judge Doughty in Missouri v Biden. This decision blocked President Biden’s federal agencies from racketeering with social media companies to suppress free speech explicitly protected by the First Amendment. Suddenly, albeit temporarily, those expressing conservative thought could not be censored by the Biden administration. This will be appealed to the Fifth Circuit and then the Supreme Court, but I believe justice will eventually prevail.

Interestingly, after the injunction, the State Department cancelled a scheduled meeting with Facebook where they were to discuss the 2024 election. Why is the State Department involved in domestic elections? How can you not see what has happened, what is happening and what will happen if the Biden cabal and their agency thugs are not held liable for this infringement? When the government squelches speech with which they disagree while promoting speech which advances their narrative, you live in a totalitarian state. Because I love American liberty, I despise those trying to oppress it and you should too.


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