
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


During a weak dad moment 16 years ago, I okayed Tyler’s request to get a pup. He had spent his summer trailing cows on the Big Horns so thought he needed a cow dog. When he left for the University of Wyoming the following fall, his dog, Cash, became ours. Fortunately, Cash is the nicest dog, and she became our rain or shine, running partner. She can still crank out a six-miler, but her 16 years have rendered her mostly deaf and slow to rise from a slick floor.

A twist of fate brought us Blinker, our new Aussie pup. This guy is smart, trainable and has just started three-mile, trail-runs with me. He is learning commands quickly, but last evening he did not respond when I whistled. I searched and finally spotted he and Cash down at the hitchrail. The night before, I had bandaged up a horse laceration and the dirt around the hitchrail was saturated with blood. Cash and Blinker were living the dream. I whistled, Blinker looked up, but Cash heard nothing so kept licking. I whistled again and Blinker began staring at Cash as if saying, “we are supposed to go.” Cash kept snacking. I could not let Blinker learn to ignore me, so I walked up and touched Cash. Startled to see me, Cash sprinted to the house with Blinker in tow and this brings me to my point.

Unlike a pup learning a bad habit from an old dog because it is deaf, humans can learn good things from good people if they are particular to whom they listen. Every community has successful people who thrive in environments of liberty, limited government, and personal responsibility. Be they the butcher, the baker, or the candlestick maker, they follow Biblical principles, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

To the contrary, others profit and empower themselves by keeping you disinformed with Dr. Fauci, ruling class bureaucrats, Democrats, cocktail caucus Republicans and mainstream propagandists being perfect examples. These Marxist wannabes lie constantly, and we have recently confirmed five things we have suspected to be true: First, masks do not prevent viral respiratory disease, especially corona. Second, ivermectin joins hydroxychloroquine as an effective Covid-19 treatment. Third, exposure to Sars-CoV-2, produces lifelong immunity. Fourth, Dr. Fauci likely used taxpayer dollars to fund corona gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab in China. Lastly, have you noticed neither the butcher, the baker nor the candlestick maker have rushed to get a Covid jab in exchange for a lottery ticket and free beer? You would do better to take advice from a deaf dog than listen to the manipulators of truth.


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