Logic Says No

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Logic Says No

My two brothers and I were clearing brush using axes and a chainsaw. Half-way through I spotted a buzzing insect descend into a large crack in the ground. Because the roaring chainsaw affected my judgement, I thrust the Homelite blade into the crack directly into a nest of ground hornets. While scrambling to safety I ricocheted off my bewildered brothers and we all were stung several times. The saw, which rarely ran without milking the throttle, sat near the buzzing nest quietly idling like a barn cat purring in the sunshine. We let it idle until it ran out of gas and called it a day. I was only twelve, so my logic centers were not fully developed but I learned to never again plunge a spinning chainsaw blade into a hornet’s nest. Unfortunately, many Americans are about to repeat something similarly stupid. Here is how.

We have now passed the one-year anniversary of the most deleterious assault ever levied upon humanity—the stroke-poke. For proof the clot-shot protects nothing other than the wallets of the ruling class, consider this: What do 94 cruise ships, the USS Milwaukee and the Antarctic Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have in common? All participants in each were isolated and heavily stroke-poked yet suffered a Fauci virus outbreak. Covid is a pandemic of the vaccinated, but let’s look at the hidden victims which the ruling class keeps sweeping under the rug.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS, is a voluntary system where victims report the side effects of receiving the stroke-poke. These reports are investigated by the CDC who labors to blame anything other than their sacred clot-shot. However, no other possible cause for death or injury is found 86 percent of the time. As of November 26, 2021, the CDC has attributed 19,532 deaths to the jab, a number which studies show undercounts actual deaths by 10-fold. This brings me to my points.

Point one: You may have rolled up your sleeve in early 2020 thinking you were protecting your aged grandparents, but studies now show the poked shed delta 251 times higher than the non-poked. Point two: Getting a third or fourth booster is like repeatedly plunging a screaming chain saw into a hornet’s nest; the side effects get worse with each poke. Point three: Believing poked folks will be less sick when they get Covid is like believing the smoke from my two-cycle Homelite mellowed the hornets so I was stung less aggressively than I could have been. Logic dictates you best reject the lies and refuse to submit to Fauci’s great gene-transfer experiment.


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