
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Because my older brother preferred saddles over tractor seats, I was surrendered to the hay crew where the many machinery breakdowns frustrated me. You could wait hours for windrowed hay to dry and after baling a couple rounds, a squealing bearing suddenly meant a 35-mile, parts-run to town. My years in ranching and then public service has taught me there is only one piece of machinery with the reliability of a post bar—the propaganda machine. I have spent 16 years pouring sand in its gas tank and loosen its lug nuts trying to destroy it, but I have failed. The propaganda machine will run forever and here are three examples.

The free world recognizes Russia uses propaganda to color Soviet communism in favorable shades. Economic freedom is always portrayed as being inherently unfair, whereas government-controlled economies are championed as the path to nirvana. This is wrong but American leftists, especially academics, wager Soviet-style socialism will work if it is implemented by ivy-leaguers. They are so confident in their abilities they are willing to bet your freedom to do so. Because they propagandize, we should ignore everything the Kremlin broadcasts, from economics to the Ukraine invasion.

Similarly, Ukraine is propagandizing. They portray themselves as fierce but feeble victims of Russian aggression, hoping to draw the western world into the conflict. Stories of the mystery fighter pilot, the “ghost of Kyiv,” and Miss Ukraine swapping her evening gown for battle fatigues are wild imaginative tales with little factual basis. However as distorted as the propaganda is coming from this conflict, Ukrainians and Russians are preschoolers compared to the world champion of disinformation—America’s ruling elite.

The ruling class, their alphabet soup cartel, big tech, big pharma, and the mainstream media have propagandized the Covid pandemic to get the unwashed to succumb. The stroke poke is neither safe nor effective, yet American collectivists demand its acceptance. You either take it willingly, or you will take it by force. Effective, early treatments with cheap, off-patent drugs are demonized to make way for the nephrotoxic drug, Remdesivir. Is it any wonder Covid treatment success plummets once a victim is hospitalized and it too weary to resist? The ruling class has spent one billion dollars propagandizing the Covid pandemic and if they will lie to you about life and death, little fibs about bio-weapon labs in Ukraine are but bumps in the road. Dr. Fauci was unavailable for comment.


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