Miracles and Remodels

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Miracles and Remodels

The rapidly approaching winter prioritizes tasks on our ranch house remodel. This past weekend, Tyler buried a new propane line while I mounted two main floor toilets. My daughter-in-law, Jill, and four grandkids, have been homesteading at the ranch since school started and I did not appreciate their struggle until I heard seven-year-old Nora excitedly blurt, “We have toilets! It is a miracle.” Obviously, not quite the parting of the Red Sea, but it was a small victory for comfort and convenience. If I had studied this massive project in its entirety, I may not have begun busting lath and plaster 18 months ago. Rebuilding our American republic is a similar ominous task, yet it appears eight, brave House Republicans have put country above self and knocked the plaster from the first wall. Now, we patriots must finish this great American remodel.

Vacating Kevin McCarthy from speakership was a small victory for freedom, not for what it achieved, but what it revealed. Newsmax broadcast several interviews with McCarthy supporters in the House followed by Q and A with McCarthy himself. The truth was obvious for those who speak politics, which is today’s point. There are telltale words and phrases politicians use to spice their speech but once you learn their true meaning, they sting.

For example, an interviewed McCarthy supporter said he and his republican colleagues were elected to govern as if being governed is a good thing. America’s founding documents clearly state government’s only function is to secure the natural rights of citizens. When politicians claim they were elected to “govern,” I picture a shiny politician with pretty hair shouting orders while sitting on his shiny horse in the gate through which I am trying to crowd a dozen yearlings. Mr. public servant, if you want to be helpful, quit wasting my tax dollars and get out of the flipping gate. During debate in the 2007 Montana Legislature, Constitution Party Representative Rick Jore eloquently said, “Leave me alone, leave my children alone, leave my property alone. I just want to be free.” Apparently, he had no interest in being governed either. Remember, politicians are elected to serve, not govern.

My second cringe word is “consensus.” Cocktail caucus Republicans spew the word consensus as if it is the supreme ideal. Remember, Democrats are Marxists who vote as a block, so consensus is reached only when Marxism is advanced. Never forget, it was consensus for endless Continuing Resolutions which has put us 33 trillion dollars in debt. Can we all agree this is bad or are you buying the Marxist lie we only have debt because the rich are not paying their fair share?


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