Momma Bear

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Momma Bear

Bear attacks are on an uptick. Whenever someone gets mauled, Walt Disney certified wildlife specialists look for reasons other than bears attacking because they are bears. Violent encounters are blamed on hikers and hunters for having food in their tent, startling a grizzly guarding a gut pile or strolling between a momma and her cubs. However, the root cause of bear attacks is the lack of hunting pressure. You know you have harvested enough bears when grizzlies begin tying little bells to their ankles to avoid accidently wandering between a human momma and her cubs. I am being facetious because human momma bears are nearly extinct. Decades of socialist indoctrination has conditioned human mothers to believe government rather than parents, knows what is best for their cubs. If the ruling class says a youngster must be chemically castrated, surgically mutilated, or poked with experimental gene therapies, woke mothers quietly accept this decision as being for the greater good and this brings me to my point.

Because the FDA unanimously extended emergency use authorization to the bivalent stroke pokes, the CDC unanimously placed those pokes on the recommended list for government school children. As many states and school districts blindly adopt CDC guidelines, no national mandate was needed, so the taxpayer-funded crime syndicate figuratively washed the blood of the little ones from their hands. Experts not sucking funds from the covid cash cow know it is insane to jab 0–19-year-olds who have a covid fatality rate of 0.0003 percent. As a kid, I faced a higher fatality rate for chewing with my mouth open or putting my elbows on the table.

Per the Epoch Times, Belgian virologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche opposes jabbing children as it is “primarily unvaccinated children and adults who can generate herd immunity.” Leaky vaccines induce the mutation of more infectious variants and lacking these widespread jabs, the Wuhan strain would likely have been an only child. Unfortunately, President Biden’s mandates have brought us Wuhan’s siblings, Delta and Omicron. This truth is purposely and knowingly hidden by all who profit from the widespread administration of the stroke poke. Dr. Vanden Bossche is also a veterinarian, so like me, he does not have a dog in this fight. His only reward is ridicule for speaking the truth. Now back to the bears.

This Election Day, momma bears have one last chance to demand the ruling elite take their hands off the children. The morning of November 9th, America will know if they did just that or they rolled over and went back to sleep. God help America if the bruin soccer moms hibernate through November 8th.


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