Open Season

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Open Season

Fall is preg-check season, and when the vet slips his left arm into the cow’s rectum and instantly calls out “bred” everyone breathes a sigh of relief. However, when the vet seems to dawdle, probe and re-probe, people anxiously anticipate an “open” call. For cow operations, the conception rate is the supreme, one-day, economic indicator—a reflection how things went last spring, an indication of how deep you can cull this fall and a prognostication of whether you can pay next fall’s operating line. Most top shelf operations settle 90-95 percent of exposed females, but it would be a bit of a stretch to say the Kerns operation consistently scored such. Trailing cows 40 to 60 miles to the top of the Big Horn Mountains for summer grazing had a catastrophic impact on conception rates. Our momma cows bred well for the first cycle in the valley but the trek to the top always added a 30-day hiccup. I remember an especially discouraging preg-checking day when brother Dana blurted, he was “going home and getting Alice pregnant to raise the ranch conception rate.” Alice was unavailable for comment.

Fertility rates dramatically affect the health of any population. If a 5 percent decrease in conception can bankrupt a ranch, pig farm or poultry operation imagine what a 16 percent reduction could do. Dr. Fauci, his alphabet soup operatives and Big Pharma are preparing to assault children ages 5 to 11 with the Fauci poke so before you buy their lie, “it is for the greater good,” consider this: Pfizer’s own data shows lab rats stuck with the CCP cocktail suffered a 16 percent reduction in fertility. We do not know if this was temporary or permanent, but if Pfizer earned their bacon producing rats, their jab just destroyed their bottom line, and this brings me to my point.

Those promoting the poke and hyping the pandemic are medical harlots who will say and do anything for money. Need proof? Make the jab a market driven commodity and the entire scheme collapses. However, whether you accept or reject my points affects me not, and this week’s message is for America’s polite, silent, silver-haired patriots. You said not a word when your grown children lined up for the experimental jab. The damage is done. You went along when they masked your grandchildren in school. The damage continues. You mourned silently when your afflicted contemporaries were snuffed by remdesivir induced renal failure in the Covid wards. They were a casualty of progressivism. Will you remain quiet while the ruling class needle rapes your grandchildren? This insanity must stop right here, right now! The line is drawn.


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