Over the Fence

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Over the Fence

Midmorning Friday, I was rolling home after dumping a trailer load of rusted culverts and headgates in the landfill and I was living the dream. I convinced the trophy wife she should ride along to see the multimillion-dollar improvements recently made at the dump and she agreed as she was suffering severe cabin fever. Yep, it was another springtime date at the dump and the trophy wife is one lucky girl. We were ahead of schedule, so I was daydreaming of all I was about to knock off my to-do list when the phone rang. Yellowstone County’s new animal control officer had just haltered seven migrant horses in my neighbor’s wheat field and wondered if they could be mine. They were. When I left that morning, I did not see my ponies so figured they were grazing out of view. We zipped into a field north of Laurel, thanked the nice officer for her help, and began leading the cavy home across two miles of sagebrush pocked hills. None of the horses were wire cut, so I suspected a gate had been knocked or left open. Once home, I tossed steel posts and wire into the Ranger and began driving the fence line. Finally, in the far north corner, on top of a butte where I had never been and horses never go, there was a brace post Mother Nature had slowly milked out of the ground. Fifty feet of wire was laying flat as if it had been sleeping such for several years, so I suspect my cavy had missed this escape hatch for some time. Like a border guarded by Democrats, my horses had an easy stroll over the downed wire, and this brings me to my point.

More than just horses are meandering unchallenged over our southern border. If there were one thing President Trump did exceedingly well it was protecting the states from invasion as purposely written in Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution. President Biden is a horse of a different color who believes Democrats can forever enshrine power by overwhelming our borders and ballot boxes with a tsunami of illegal immigrants. Once illegals are dispersed through the hinterlands and coupled with HR 1 establishing national mail-in voting, no Christian, constitutional conservative will ever hold any public office. America’s metamorphosis to totalitarianism will be final. Were you shortsighted enough to believe President Biden’s opening of our borders was a humanitarian issue to free kids from cages? If so, your ignorance is about to snuff the flame of American liberty all too many patriots purchased with their lives.


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