
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Years back, my police officer friend told this tale at hunting camp but unlike most imaginative campfire stories, this one might be true. It was the proverbial dark and stormy night, when a young officer investigated a traffic accident where one car rear-ended another. The official report would have been a one-liner, but the roads were solid ice, the approaching officer could not stop, and he became the third car in a three-car pileup. Because superiors must investigate any officer involved incident, dispatch was called. You can imagine the angst the young officer felt while waiting for his higher-up to arrive. Had he been a plumber as his mother-in-law advised, he would not be in this pickle. At last, the patrol car carrying the man-in-charge rolled around the corner and with its anti-lock brakes fully locked, it slowly became car number four of a four-car pileup. At that instant, all the pressure that was building in our rookie officer vaporized, and a similar scenario happened this week.

The Covid con has ravaged America for two years. In terms of pathogenicity, SARS-CoV-2 is a bit of a pansy and were it not for the elites nefariously manipulating diagnostics, therapeutics and prophylactics, history would barely notice this pandemic. Regardless the truth, the ruling class still promotes their deadly stroke poke as being safe and effective. It is neither. Medical logic has been dismissed with many young medical professionals relying solely on their pharma-approved, protocol placard when discussing Covid. If a patient asks, “is the Covid shot safe,” young doctors reflexively retort, “yes, and effective.” A recent study in Thailand shows 29 percent of Pfizer poked 13 to 18-year-olds suffer heart effects. Whether these are temporary or permanent is unclear, but this is shocking damage in a population mostly immune to Covid. Previously admired as pillars of the community, the little people now view white-coat-clad hospital professionals with disgust. Doctors and nurses who know the truth have sheepishly kept quiet while secretly wishing they were a plumber. On August 8th, an early morning FBI raid knocked doctors from being America’s most-despised profession. Like the superior officer rear-ending a subordinate’s patrol car, the pressure instantly clicked off for doctors who prostituted themselves to big pharma.

The FBI has become the hit men of the woke DOJ per the dictates of the DNC. No longer a non-partisan bureau of investigation, they are the muscle who squashes American patriots. Leftists view government deriving their “just powers from the consent of the governed” as garbage. You will get nothing, and you will like it. The FBI, DOJ, newly weaponized IRS, EPA, FDA, and CDC are about to crush Christian conservatives, even the plumbers. If you are not feeling the pressure, you will.


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