Punch in the face

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Punch in the Face

My grandchildren have been helping demo our Wyoming homestead. The littlest ones play out quickly, so it is not surprising when they wander off. Between work weekends, while back in Laurel, the trophy wife discovered she was short one grandson. Druann hollered for Lucas but there was no reply. The Cove Irrigation Ditch runs just outside our yard fence, and normally this would cause her great angst, but it is nearly dry after suffering a washout in early June. After more hunting and hollering she found five-year-old Lucas, sound asleep in the loft. He appeared lifeless so she rattled his carcass to awaken him. Apparently, he had a nap attack in the first quiet spot not occupied by critters or cousins and Lucas sleeps deep.

Four days later while working at the ranch, Lucas curled up in an easy chair in the camper and again fell dead asleep. His face was sunny side up, but his head was hanging well below his twisted body, and everyone marveled how he could sleep that way. He was enjoying a real drooler when three-year-old James climbed into the camper and spotted snoozing Lucas. Sweet, angelic James crept closer to his brother, cocked his arm and punched Lucas in the face. Even though it was a real haymaker, Lucas kept snoring. As their employer, I must dock Lucas’s pay, but James is foreman material, and this brings me to my point.

Inflation is running 10 to 30 percent depending on who is holding the ruler. President Biden froze energy exploration and then drained our strategic oil reserve down to a dangerously low 25 days. Gas and diesel are blowing through $5 per gallon enroute to $10 per gallon. Biden’s border policy welcomes three million trespassers every year—an amount three times the population of Montana. Those questioning the 2020 elections are being imprisoned without charge, bail, or speedy trial. Servicemen refusing big pharma’s needle rape are being dishonorably discharged. Confiscation of firearms has begun. The food production chain is being disrupted by fire, disease, and mysterious death. School age little boys are being chemically castrated while little girls are put on puberty blockers. The incidence of myocarditis is 44 times higher in the stroke poked population, so Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is now a thing. Because all these calamities are side effects of runaway leftist ideology, you sunshine patriots, RINOs, and blue dog Democrats answer me this: How many ways do you have to be smacked in the face before you wake up?


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