Rules of Liberalism

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Rules of Liberalism

May marks the end of my 38th year of fertility testing bulls. Much of what I learned kneeling beside a 2000-pound beast while running electricity up his backside prepared me for politics. With both, there is a good chance someone is going to get hurt or something is going to get busted, so you best do it right. Just as there are veterinarians who abandon scientific truth to pass bad bulls, there are politicians who abandon constitutional principles to pass bad bills. Both are wrong. Citizens should never grant someone the power to make law without knowing said candidate’s views on life, liberty, and limited government. Here is how I see the fundamental differences between Republicans and Democrats.

Because government is the god of Democrats, growing it is good, so much so, in their utopia government completely controls the unwashed. Ivy leaguers will decide the kind of car the little people drive, the color of their electricity, the facial coverings allowed in public, and the artificial meat allowed between their buns. Ignoring the Ten Commandments, progressives advocate termination of the unwanted, promote theft, and encourage covetousness all for the greater good of a Marxist state. In a world sans God, there is no sin, nothing is evil, or deviant and life becomes a permissive shade of gray. These beliefs are now publicly professed.

Republicans are a horse of a different color. Most GOPers are God fearing and view government as a necessary evil. Even though the party publicly advocates for liberty and limited government, many outliers champion compromise as the supreme ideal and will capitulate with anyone, at any time for an ‘attaboy from the left. Case in point, Wyoming’s Rep. Liz Cheney. Those of us adhering to America’s founding principles find squishy Republicans as disappointing as veterinarians who pass bad bulls per an owner’s request and this brings me to my point.

Democrats and Republicans are not merely different flavors of ice cream and here is a glimpse at society when ruled by Democrats. Granddaughter #7 recently competed in a gymnastics competition in Las Vegas. The trophy Nana went along to ride herd over granddaughter #10 and grandson #14 while #7 was bouncing and back-flipping down the runway. While walking the Vegas Strip between events, five-year-old Wes, #14, spotted two scantily clad show girls strutting down the sidewalk in G-strings and fishnet stockings. Mimicking their movement, Wes began shaking his bootie for the camera. Once home, grandson #5 watched his younger brother’s sidewalk bootie video and asked, “How come you have to wear a Fauci mask in Vegas but not pants?” Such is life under liberalism.


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