Rushing Home

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Rushing Home

The peristalsis from a cow’s rectum squeezes blood from my left arm to my heart and then my brain before popping out my mouth as political chatter. It is called the preg-check effect. Back in 1989, I was pontificating while pregnancy testing Holsteins for my friend, Mike, when he asked, “Do you ever listen to talk radio? You should catch Rush Limbaugh on KBLG in the mornings.” After the last cow left the barn, I peeled off my sleeve, hopped in my pickup and tuned in Rush on the ride back to the clinic. My life would never be the same. His fast-paced, entertaining, and informative show broadcast the values I knew to be true. For the next 30 years I listened while on outcalls and found myself driving slower and slower waiting for Rush to make his point before my next farmyard.

In May of 1993, I loaded the trophy wife and our three children into our minivan for a 500-mile trek to Fort Collins, Colorado to see Rush at Dan’s Bake Sale. It was like a rock concert for Rush groupies and thousands of ditto-heads plugged the interstate into Fort Collins. Twenty miles north of town traffic reports prompted me to jump to the backroads. Ten years earlier, I attended vet school at Colorado State and had made farm calls through this country, so I knew the shortcuts. Within thirty minutes we parked four blocks from downtown and meandered toward the stage surrounded by thousands of freedom-loving, Americans. The patriotic fervor was electrifying. Were this a 2020 Trump rally the main-stream propagandists would have denigrated us as white nationalists. They would be wrong…again.

Those trained to hate America will never understand a patriot’s attraction to Rush, so they dismiss listeners as mind-numbed robots waiting for marching orders. They are wrong. Devout listeners are the freedom loving, independent thinkers fueling the American spirit. We are the plumbers, cowboys, electricians, engineers, and laborers who raise our families, pay our taxes, work weekdays and worship Sundays.

On February 3rd, 2020, Rush shocked listeners with the news he was battling advanced lung cancer. Americans began praying for him knowing God may call His loan. Rush knew it too. One year and a few days later, he was called home leaving a legacy forever impacting our republic. It is common sense Thomas Paine used the power of the written word to inspire the American cause for freedom. Two centuries later, Rush powerfully used the spoken word to secure the same. His love of country has been infectious, will remain so and he will be missed.


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