Seeking Answers

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Seeking Answers

Decades back, I looked at 200 bred cows wintering in a feedlot. The owner had just filled the bunks when four cows dropped flat, and three others were staggering. These cows were in good condition, on a balanced ration and were two months from calving. I collected feed samples from the bunk before meandering through the herd. I pulled a pre-treatment blood sample from a down cow and then administered a calcium solution intravenously figuring a whopping dose of calcium would either help or push her over the edge thereby providing fresh necropsy samples. While treating a second critter, the first stood up and pushed her way back to the feed trough. It appeared I had my treatment.

Two cows were in an alleyway, one down with the other staggering and on the fight. A smart veterinarian would have treated the down cow first, but not me. Post-treatment, the staggering cow regained the agility of a gymnast but remained crankier than an unemployed college graduate sporting a worthless degree in women studies. This was a one-day event, every cow fully recovered and even after extensive lab tests with everyone yearning for answers, we never learned what triggered this acute pre-partum, calcium crash in multiple beef cows and this brings me to my point.

Unlike the cooperative cows, farmer, and accommodating feed supplier in my story, election officials in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, are frantically trying to hide 2020 election evidence. Because big tech and the mainstream media are co-conspirators, you will never learn the truth. An independent forensic audit of Maricopa County, Arizona and Fulton County, Georgia show provable, widespread election fraud. However, like walking past a bullet-riddled corpse laying in the gutter, the judiciary branch simply dismisses the crime as having no standing because the victim is already dead.

A second independent forensic audit is desperately needed with the Covid-19 pandemic because the government has been lying to us for over a year. In the beginning, misstatements were due to ignorance but now it is fraud. Vaccine safety and efficacy, effectiveness of masks and social distancing, preventative use of vitamin D and ivermectin, the therapeutic effect of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir have all been suppressed or amplified per the dictates of the ruling class. The championed science is not science, it is propaganda, and you are being played. The entire Covid fiasco needs a forensic audit conducted by someone with a medical degree who has read the Constitution and has political experience. My fall is booked full, so I nominate Senator Rand Paul.


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