Seriously Y'All

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Seriously Y'All

I heard of a Nevada cowboy who was hospitalized with Covid. The standard treatment protocol was killing him, so a ventilator was suggested. His wife demanded he be discharged but the hospital refused. These were not ordinary Nevada country folk, so late one night the patient’s buddies cowboyed him out of the hospital. Once freed from the deadly bureaucratic restrictions, he started a daily course of ivermectin. Three days later, he went skiing. Different versions of this same story appeared repeatedly across America during the Covid scam-demic. Once people learned of effective repurposed, inexpensive, over-the-counter drugs they shunned hospitals where you were expected to die for the greater good.

The goal of the entire Covid fraud was to inject gene-altering substances into as many people as possible. If an effective treatment, such as ivermectin, were available, an emergency use authorization (EUA) could not be approved so ivermectin was viciously demonized. “Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” was the FDA’s August 2021 derogatory tweet against ivermectin. Today, the FDA claims they do not have the authority to block doctors from prescribing ivermectin to treat covid. Sadly, the brave doctors who were pink slipped because they continued prescribing it could not be reached for comment. Obviously, the FDA has joined the CDC, NIH, IRS, DOE, and DOJ as just another agency willing to lie to get the unwashed to submit. Seriously, y’all. Stop submitting.

To be balanced, here is one story where ivermectin appears to fail. This is my story as a pureblood, but it could be yours if you closely associate with the stroke poked. Late last summer, despite weekly prophylactic ivermectin, I was likely infected by spike protein shed by a hot, jabbed recipient. I developed myocarditis. April 2nd, while wearing a Holter monitor and riding my Peloton stationary bike, I reached down to loosen my toe clips and felt lightheaded. As I stood in the stirrups, my ventricular rate shot to 290 beats per minute, and I died. By the grace of God, the impact of landing flat on my back on the concrete floor acted as a precordial thump to restart my heart. Because my feet were still wedged in the stirrups now above my head, all the blood in my thighs gravitated into my newly beating heart and this brought me back to life and to my point.

SARS-CoV-2 rarely causes myocarditis, it is the spike protein your body manufactures after being jabbed which damages you and you in turn shed to innocent bystanders. Because myocarditis can be asymptomatic, when it kills you, you will be the last to know. Worldwide, of the 5.5 billion guinea pigs who took the stroke poke, if you are considering your 3rd, 13th, or 23rd booster, seriously y’all. Stop it!


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