Sing Loud

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Sing Loud

We moved back to our family homestead on Pass Creek when I was eight, so Slack School was barely a half-mile up the road. It was the classic one-room country school. Christmas programs were a big deal in 1965, so we started practicing carols immediately after Thanksgiving. We learned most traditional carols, and this singing tradition became habit around our family fireplace on Christmas Eve. We were the redneck version of the Von Trapp family minus talent and matching uniforms. Over the years, I added a mule team complete with sleighbells and wagon to our family celebration so we could spread Christmas cheer up and down the road. Our holiday spirit was powered by Peppermint Schnapps and what we lacked in rhythm and harmony we made up for in volume. Now, let me jump to another singing story.

“Sing a Little Louder” is a powerful eleven-minute video about a church alongside the railroad tracks in Germany during the Holocaust. Each Sunday morning a far-off train whistle announced the arriving cattle cars filled with souls being shipped to Hitler’s Final Solution. To drown out the desperate cries from the condemned, the church choir and elders simply sang louder until the train passed. The video portrays the haunting morning the train broke down behind the church and then suddenly the atrocity could no longer be ignored. This powerful story was produced to portray the pro-life cause, but it also fits today’s Covid holocaust, which brings me to my point.

The White House, Dr. Fauci, Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, and NIH are analogous to the priest and choir singing to drown out the screams coming from the train. Their voices are amplified by big tech and mainstream media propagandists. The wise and learned doctors from the Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, FLCCCA, are screaming about the ineffectiveness and dangers of Dr. Fauci’s final solution. However, parents have dutifully loaded the little children on the train to be jabbed against a disease for which they are not susceptible. They stick their little fingers through the slats of the cattle cars while they scream in protest, but they are merely collateral damage in the left’s great reset. Children surviving stroke-poke triggered myocarditis, pericarditis, autoimmune disorders, and increased cancer must accept their misfortune is for the greater good. In fascism you must comply. Will you listen to the warnings of the FLCCCA, or will you just sing a little louder and hope the evil passes on down the tracks?


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