Skunk Stories

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Skunk Stories

Because of climate change, Blinker and I will be running via headlamp for the next six months. Blaming climate change for naturally occurring cycles is ludicrous but doing so makes me feel so woke. As I turned down the last draw, a moving shadow caught my eye. A second look revealed a skunk flagging his tail behind the milkweed a scant two yards to my right. I spun and sprinted back up the trail, whistled for Blinker, and took an alternate trail home. Battling a skunk before daybreak would screw up my morning appointments and this brings me to skunk story number two.

A couple decades back we were cleaning the barn when a skunk scampered from the brush towards the corral. I hustled to the house and grabbed the .22, but by the time I returned the intruder had vanished. I leaned the rifle against the wall in the barn to be at the ready. A couple hours passed when suddenly, the skunk trotted into the barn. We all spotted him and nearly trampled each other stampeding for the only open door. No one thought to grab the .22, so now we were out in the driveway, the skunk was in the barn, and he had the gun.

The reason a skunk attack turns the bravest of patriots into the pinkest of pansies is because they are skunks. Unlike bears who will occasionally make a bluff charge, no one stands their ground to fight the skunk because skunks do not bluff spray. Every time they feel threatened, they open the gates of hell all over you and this brings me to my third skunk story.

Ruling class Democrats are skunks, so they do not bluff spray. They used the Covid con to institute mail-in and drop-box voting and thereby manipulate the 2020 election. Had citizens been required to pre-register, produce a photo ID, and appear at a polling place, candidates campaigning from their basements would not have received 83 million votes. After seizing power, tyrants never relinquish it. Weaponizing the DOJ, the FBI, the CDC, the FDA, the IRS, and the DHS keeps the unwashed in their place and the ruling class in power. After stealing the 2020 election, you must expect them to try the same in 2022. Our last best chance to save our constitutional republic is for patriots to overwhelm the polling places—cast more legitimate votes than the Marxists can illegally offset. Stand your ground even though there is not enough tomato juice in Walmart to offset the stench Biden and his henchmen have planned for patriots trying to make America great again.


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