
Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor


Like most of the west, Montana is smoking. When Yellowstone burned in 1988, ashes fell in Laurel, and we treated many coughing dogs. We are not seeing a similar rush of patients this year even though the smoke seems worse. Visibility is sometimes less than a mile, so perhaps smoke from grassland fires is not as irritating as such from our mismanaged and overgrown national parks. I have continued with my morning trail runs behind my house telling myself the air is clearer at 5:00 a.m. than the previous evening. This is a lie. My pace is slower at the same level of exertion, so the smoke must be hindering oxygen transfer. Were I a mind-numbed follower of progressivism I would blame climate change and believe the smoke would clear and my pace would increase if the ruling class raised taxes. I am not and it won’t so I will jump to my point.

Just as they do with climate change, Covid 19 hustlers rely on misdirection and disinformation to conceal truth. Lying becomes an invaluable management tool once the unwashed are conditioned to accept government speak over logic and science. Submission and obedience quickly become the path of least resistance. Most folks find it easier to strap on a mask, stand on the social distance dot and take the government jab than to step out of line and shout, “This is stupid!” It is stupid, and here is why.

Effective Covid 19 treatments and preventatives were well known by May 2020. However, the ruling class suppressed such information to promote fear and advance the pandemic. Had an aggressive prophylactic ivermectin campaign been started in June of 2020, thousands of American lives would have been saved. However, to leftists, the death of a few little people was for the greater good. Fear allowed the ruling class to steal the 2020 presidential election and if they can keep the pandemic alive, they will use it to steal the 2022 and 2024 elections. Do you see why the Delta variant is sweeping the headlines? When the smoke clears, answer me this:

Why do many medical professionals opt out of a shot billed to be nearly 100 percent safe and effective? Because exposure and recovery likely stimulate lifetime immunity, should we not strip the masks from young school children and let them self-vaccinate when the disease is but a mere head cold? Would not widespread antibody and T-cell testing reveal herd immunity is at a level where a government jab from the door-to-door, needle-Nazis does more harm than good? Does the ruling class want you poked for your benefit, or theirs? Think about it.


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