Soft, Hard and Up

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Soft, Hard and Up

In most veterinary practices, goods and services are delivered at free market prices. After examining a patient, I explain my findings, suggest diagnostic steps, therapeutic options, costs, and prognosis. This is a soft sale because the well-informed client then chooses the medical path considering their attachment to their pet and the size of their checkbook. To the contrary, with the hard sale, the seller uses high pressure techniques to promote the most expensive options over cheaper alternatives. The time-share industry has mastered the hard sale and few couples exit a vacation sales presentation financially unscathed. Finally, the up sale is simply a soft sale with frivolities tossed into the mix mostly for the gain of the seller. Do you follow?

I have used the soft sale extensively during my 38 years in practice, so naturally approached politics from this same perspective. I pen this column every week to explain how America’s founding principles of liberty and limited government coupled with the natural rights endowed us by our Creator has made our great experiment in freedom truly exceptional. Even though freedom reigns supreme, the decision to embrace or reject small government and individual liberty remains the choice of the well-informed voter. Get informed and choose wisely because evil forces are hell bent on enslaving you.

Using the hard sale approach, progressives have become the time-share sharks of the political world. Through propaganda, the mainstream media demonizes, defeats, and then destroys freedom’s advocates. The tyrannical beast America’s founding patriots feared most has broken free from its chains and this brings me to my point.

Widespread election fraud has shattered the balance between soft, hard, and up sale political influences and the ruling class is now wielding raw, unbridled power. From now on, the elite will decide the color of your electricity, where you work, what powers your vehicle, which vaccines you take, and the number of masks you will wear in public. Like in 2020, future elections will become a predetermined coronation whether the unwashed like it or not. Schools will teach critical race theory to produce the next generation of America haters and attending church, especially singing in church will be out of the question. Men will shower with your daughters and granddaughters and you will either submit or be cancelled. Impeachment 2.0 and the purge of Trump supporters from the military will forever erase the chapter where patriots tried to make America great again. Isn’t tyranny great?


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