Sugar Coated

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Sugar Coated

I am 65 years old and have practiced veterinary medicine for 39 years. Early in my career, I chuckled at the harsh bed side manners of aged practitioners who saw it fitting and proper to tell stupid people they are stupid. They were blunt for the benefit of others. My many days in the saddle and endless hours thrusting my left arm in a cow, has aged me beyond my years and I have become THAT practitioner. For me to be concerned about offending others I must value their opinion, but I don’t because they are usually wrong. Here is why this is timely.

At an abortion rights hearing last week, Senator Josh Hawley asked Berkely Law Professor, Khiara Bridges to define a woman. She dodged the question by explaining how the term woman was exclusive and should be changed to a more inclusive “people with the capacity for pregnancy.” Ms. Bridges sounded articulate, but she is the poster child for someone indoctrinated beyond their intelligence. Enlightened wokees divide the world into two groups but there is a third they do not acknowledge.

Their first large category encompasses everyone with the capacity for pregnancy. This group includes regular women, the kind you see in Norman Rockwell paintings, plus former men who have been brainwashed, chemically castrated and then hormonally manipulated. Their second category are those containing the capacity to impregnate the first group. Have you noticed no one argues over the definition of a man? The third group, they one they ignore, are the great unwashed who stare speechless at Ms. Bridge’s testimony while quietly praying people in group two never impregnate those in group one. Stupid people should never breed, and this brings me to my point.

I do not understand how God-fearing men and women can possibly support Democrats because they all embrace this insanity. God created us male and female and He does not make mistakes. To profess there are 70 other genders within their two main divisions is the work of a sick and twisted mind. You can pretend you are something you are not, but it is not inflammatory or phobic for me to refuse to pretend along with you. The fact the left has made this a major political issue shows just how unhinged the collectivists have become. Democrats are crazy and that is as sugar coated as I can make it.


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