Three Great Prognosticators

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Three Great Prognosticators

Our second artic blast arrived last weekend so perhaps Punxsutawney Phil’s forecast was correct. It would be joyous were we limited to only six more weeks of winter, but everyone knows what February, March and April can bring to the Rockies. Calving and lambing season would be easy were one able to coordinate it with the weather and yesterday, while performing a C-section, the cowboy told me how he had perfectly timed his heifers to deliver early this year. He was lucky. It is not often dust pneumonia and wildfire poses a greater health threat to baby claves than does scours and exposure but this January such was the case.

Three great prognosticators, a fat ground hog, Dr. Fauci and 97 percent of climate scientists are sharing headlines in early 2021. Even though the prophetic rodent bases his predictions on superstition, he is right 50 percent of the time—winter is either over or it is not. Dr. Fauci, and 97 percent of climatologists claim science drives their opinions, but it is political science rather than regular, verifiable science. Their proclamations are far less accurate than a Pennsylvania rodent.

I have previously mentioned the problematic rate of false positives with the COVID-19, PCR test. Last summer, the ruling class began a corona test-demic and demonized effective treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Warning the CCP virus could kill us all, Dr. Fauci demanded everyone get tested, mask up and lockdown. Socialists seized the hysteria to modify centuries old election procedures, and Joe Biden, the basement dweller, was mysteriously anointed president. Coincidentally, on January 20th, 2021, President Biden’s Inauguration Day, the WHO propagandists previously fired by President Trump, updated their PCR test guidelines, and lowered PCR diagnostic cycles from 40 to 26. Admitting “significantly fewer daily cases,” would become the norm, the pandemic magically began disappearing and this brings me to the climate scientists.

John Kerry has been anointed Climate Change Czar in the socialist war to crush capitalism. He was recently chastised for taking his private jet to Iceland to receive an Artic Circle environmental award. When questioned about this hypocrisy, he dismissed reducing carbon emissions as being for the little people. Czar Kerry garners a pass from me because there is no proven causative relationship between man’s carbon emissions and climate change. Mr. Kerry’s cougar could bequeath him a fleet of private jets and it is between she and him, not me. The 97 percent of climatologists are still wrong but hope the masses are too dumbed-down to understand basic scientific principles.


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