Through the Cracks

Weekly Posting of the Conservative Cow Doctor

Through the Cracks

Our house renovation project on Pass Creek has meant dozens of trips to the landfill because even after emptying the house there were still trailer-loads of lath and plaster destined for the dump. We soon became very familiar with all who worked there. On one of my earlier runs, the attendant kindly asked if my dog, Blinker, could have a treat. He was quite surprised when I said, “No.” My time was short, so I didn’t explain how most of the GI cases I see in my practice are from owner-administered poisonings in the form of treats and tidbits imported from China. Put your pet on a premium diet and leave the garbage in the garbage, but that is not my point.

The trophy wife made last weekend’s dump run and after emptying her load she pulled back on the scale. Druann handed Pete, the attendant, our ranch debit card and while trying to run it through the reader it slipped from his fingers. It fluttered through the air before disappearing through the crack between the scale platform and its frame. He turned back to Druann and confessed, “You won’t believe what just happened.” She could tell by the horrified look on his face she should believe him. Because traffic was backing up, the trophy wife cleared the scale while management was called. This was a first for all involved and she soon learned there was no way to retrieve the card. Druann had several other stops to make but lacking the ability to pay deemed her economically dead in the water and this brings me to my point.

The concept of not buying items for which you cannot pay does not exist in the politics because the ruling class has distorted free market influences with freebies, debt, and regulation. Nonproducers are imprisoned by government giveaways where one’s social credit score determines their freebies. Wear your mask, take your poke, surrender your firearm, vote Democrat and you can have free access to the crumbs which drop from the tables of the ruling elite. Lucky you. To the contrary, the producing class is controlled through debt and regulation. Nothing destroys a creative risk taker’s initiative and ambition better than hyperinflation and choking regulation in a collapsing economy. President Biden has done a bang-up job of destroying everything great about America. Until the progressive credit card disappears through the cracks this insanity will continue. Had enough?


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